Waldhotel Berghof in Luisenthal - Logo
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+41 27 966 21 11 +49 (0)3624 377 - 0

Restaurants at the Waldhotel Berghof within the Thuringia Forest


Dear guests,

at the moment, dinner is only possible with half board, which is offered as a 3-course menu with a choice of 3 main courses or as a buffet, depending on hotel occupancy, at a price of € 32.50 per person/day. Please register with us in advance (by 14:30 at the latest on the day of arrival).

Your Waldhotel Berghof


Our restaurants provide for every culinary claim an offer:

Thüringer Stuben im Waldhotel Berghof Restaurant im Waldhotel Berghof Tagesbar im Waldhotel Berghof
Our classical restauarnt
"Thüringer Stuben"
offers space for 80 guestes
and 34 places at the bar

Our "À la Carte" restaurant
offers space for 72 guests
on 182m2

In our bar we offer
you beside cocktail drinks
"Fingerfood" and
diverse "Snacks"